September 10, 2009

Joey & Lou: Sneak Peek

worthington, originally uploaded by melissaphotog.
There's nothing worse for a bride than when it rains on her outdoor wedding. It held off right up to the ceremony-- go figure. Louisa was a trooper though and everyone else seemed to take it in stride with their umbrellas in hand.  The rain only added to the ambiance and memories I'm sure. The ceremony was held at the Rabbit Run BB, which was adorable and then we headed over to Soe Cafe. Both places were very stylish but also very laid back which totally suits these two awesome people. Thanks for letting me be part of your day (and for the really yummy cupcakes)!

All Images Copyright Melissa Vannest Photography 2009

I work hard... please don't steal.

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Hello, Melissa here (I've been watching a lot of Burt and Ernie-- hopefully you'll catch the reference) thanks for visiting my blog! I have a pretty cool job. I love photography, it has so many possibilities for artistic expression, my biggest dilemma is sticking to a style. My other cool "job" is mom to my daughter Aysah (at the moment she is 16 months old and all of you were right, it goes by so quickly). I am married to Mr Fix-it... seriously, things are fixed in his mere presence, it's impressive. My ambitions for this blog are to show off my recent work, recruit models, maybe throw out a few photography tips, show off my beautiful baby, let you know what I'm up to, and maybe throw out a saying from my mother (passed down from her mother).